November 7, 2019

Restaurant Ordering by Captain

Restaurant Ordering by Captain

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Bonrix Restaurant Tablet Ordering System – Order Taking App for Waiter & Captain

Bonrix Restaurant Tablet Ordering System is wireless restaurant ordering software that can works on Android tablet as well as Windows tablet by waiter or captain.

This simple restaurant order taking system is part of large for Restaurant Management System where multiple captain/waiter submit food order simultaneous on multiple table.

Bonrix Restaurant Billing Software is a complete POS Billing and Inventory software where captain has given all responsibility for collecting order from customer table using Tablet or Mobile POS.

This Captain Tablet app has following Features

1. Quick menu nevigation – Item and category wise
2. Food item search
3. Table managment
4. Collection Order from particular table
5. Submit immediate KOT – Kitchen Note Print
6. Complete Billing and Invoicing
7. Payment Collection.
8. Marking Table for Clean / Reserved / Occupied / Available
9. Print Invoice

Screen shot

Table View

Order Detail

Restaurant Kitchen Not

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